
Cardiologist - Professional Practice Assessment

Respond to Script Concordance Tests (TCS)
Voltage socket


We are looking for a cardiologist with 10 years of experience to collaborate in improving script consistency tests

Profile sought:

  • Cardiologist with 10 years of experience
  • Excellent analytical skills with an interest in innovative educational approaches.
  • Availability to carry out ten TCS (1h-1h30/TCS)

Course of the mission:

  • Sending your resume
  • You respond whenever you want to the TCS that we will submit to you. Each TCS includes 13 clinical situations and 3 questions per clinical situation. You must be able to respond to the TCS in a few sentences to justify your answers.

Vos avantages

  • Remuneration: you will be paid up to 300 euros/TCS
  • Flexibility: The mission is designed to fit into your professional schedule.
  • Significant contribution: play a key role in developing an innovative approach to professional practice assessments
  • Professional development: broaden your experience by supporting the progress of your colleagues.

Vous êtes intéressé?

Remplissez les informations suivantes :
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