
IDE (all specialties) - Professional test review

IDE - TCS review
groups of doctors


Our client wants to have a panel of state-certified nurse testers for these script consistency tests. Script consistency testing is a method for evaluating and improving practices.

There are 3 TCS (13 clinical situations) to answer on the following topics:

  • Identification and care of the obese patient
  • Nursing follow-up of patients undergoing oral anti-cancer therapy or immunotherapy
  • Patient care in the immediate post-operative period

Duration: Between 30 and 45 minutes to respond to 1 TCS.

Vos avantages

Remuneration: 210 euros for the 3 TCS

Deadlines: to be submitted before June 15, 2024, you make them according to your availability

Vous êtes intéressé?

Remplissez les informations suivantes :
Nous vous remercions ! Votre demande a bien été reçue !
Oups ! Un problème s'est produit lors de l'envoi du formulaire.

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